Your generous support helps sustain our cause. Every dollar makes a difference with helping us to be able to offer a variety of trainings and activities such as job readiness, life skills, community gardening, group hangouts and events to build community, and regular chats 'n check-ins. Girl FeedBack curates engaging social events, trips and group activities to create meaningful connections and build community with one another. As a result, this helps provide a sense of belonging, reduce social isolation, and boost mental health and well-being. Our goal is to play a role in preventing suicide and to help combat the persisting stigmatizing attitudes that exist toward mental health issues.
We're here to make a difference and be our sister's keeper, which is why we also provide personal wellness and motivational life coaching sessions to women of all ages.
If you would like more information on receiving support or ways you can help us in what we do, please contact us.
Call 919-695-3880 to schedule an appointment